The Woman in Red: Chapter 45
45. About Family
had ordered breakfast even before Katarina was awake. Meanwhile, he knew her
preferences. Three slices of roasted white bread, one with cheese and two with
strawberry jam, coffee black and afterward two pieces of fruit, preferably
kiwi. Himself, he couldn’t swallow a lot in the morning, nonetheless he forced
himself to eat at least one slice of bread.
smell of hot coffee had awakened Katarina. She came out of the bedroom, just
dressed in her slip. She stretched herself out and smiled at Jean-Pierre. The
night’s rest had been good for her. The night before she had thought falling
ill. A human being has his limit and after all their adventures around the kidnapping,
she had suddenly reached it. Fortunately, a good night’s rest could build a bit of a reserve;
saw a shirt lying around of Jean-Pierre and pulled it smiling over her naked
upper body. First she closed every button but when she saw him looking, she
teasingly opened some of the upper ones again.
found her so sexy, with her hair in disorder, wearing his shirt and the red
slip underneath that he saw now and then. She sat at the table and started
instantly eating her slices of bread.
are you feeling, Kat?’ He was surprised of her resiliency. It wasn’t evident that
a woman who has experienced what she had coped with so fast. Katarina had a
strong character. She probably had inherited it from her mother. Despite
Jean-Pierre didn’t know what sort of character her father ever had.
rather good in our circumstances. I slept very well and I have a lot more
energy now.’ In no time, she had finished her slices of bread and she continued
skinning her kiwi’s. ‘Thanks for ordering this delicious breakfast.’ The fruit has
been just ripe enough and Katarina enjoyed the green fruits.
was just thinking that what concern you character you have to resemble your
mother’s, or not. Well, after all, I don’t know how your father was.’
never known him, but my mother has told me a lot about him. Jean-Luc was a
sweet man, naturally soft and he was crazy in love with my mother. It’s a shame
that it had to end like that. I think mother hasn’t processed completely,
certainly also because Jean-Luc’s family never has helped her.’
furrowed his brow. ‘What do you mean. Did they think it was her fault that they
were mobbed,’
haven’t said it with so many words, but indeed, I think they thought that.
Mother was of a lower class and his family has never accepted that. They have
tried everything to take the Chateau from her Jean-Luc had put on her name. She
has been harassed for years at a time by her lawyers and other vermin that the
family had hired to make her life impossible.
they could do nothing about it, certainly if the castle was legally put on her
but at that moment and she never had any proof, someone has repeatedly thrown
in some windows and the walls were spotted with words as ‘whore’ and
has she started with the services she provided at the castle if I may state it
with this euphemism.’
sighed a moment. ‘Yes, at a certain moment the treatment they family gave her
has finally rubbed her up the wrong way. She said if the family thought she was
a whore and a nymphomaniac, she would look for it that her castle would be used
to train the best girls and boys for this task. After all, she knew it was just
those members of the nobility and the high society that used these services.
Revenge is a dish best-served cold and she has reached her goal. Even before
the end of the second year she was an established name in her profession. After
five years, she was out of the red and still five years later she made more
profit that an average good working company. In the meanwhile, she has invested
her money in different real property.’
this elaborate explanation, Jean-Pierre started to see how things had worked
out. At the start, he had thought of the Baroness as an arrogant type of woman.
But now that he could form a picture of how she had become like this, he even
had some admiration for her and he certainly was sorry for now that she was
knock on the door startled him out of thoughts. He went to the door and heard a
sort of stumbling in the corridor. Obviously someone had tried the wrong door.
To be certain, he opened the door to look inside the corridor. With brute
violence the door was fully pushed open and he was catapulted against the wall
by the force of it.
men forced their way in and overpowered Jean-Pierre, who from being knocked
down was a bit dizzy. Behind him, he heard Katarina yell, but that didn’t last long
because he felt the sting of an injection in his neck and everything became
© Rudi J.P. Lejaeghere
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