One of the Walking Dead
If I don’t feel the warmth of
the sun
On a sunshiny day,
If I'm too numb to feel
My feet on the ground,
Even when I’m stamping them
Till there's a hole in the
What am I but one of the
walking dead?
Even if I don't see the
maggots wriggling
In my muscles and digging
holes through my bones,
Still I can't feel the loss
Of the falling skin and the
melting marrow,
They are but a mask to
A harness of decay, a cape to
That I'm but one of the
walking dead.
Build me inside the wall till
I die,
Deprive me the air that makes
me walk,
Limping as a crumbling corpse
On the rhythm of my soulless
Then I'll scratch my name with
my own blood
On the back side of the bricks
of that wall,
together with a curse that
holds me inside forever,
Because there's only one black
That chews like a raging rodent
through my darkened mind,
Because I'm now one of the
walking dead,
And it’s burning in my
lifeless eyes,
It's the never satisfying
hunger for:
'Human flesh!'
© Rudi J.P. Lejaeghere
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