
Feelings earthed, as the salt of my gentle tears
sublimating in a crystal abstracted from my eyes
so they spring to life, flowing out as they rise
as the flood of my sorrow, as the sum of my fears.

Feelings earthed, in the waterfalls sits a treasure isle
as the current splashes in this rainbow high
or broken and sometimes two to say goodbye
the sounds of the silence, a grin or a smile.

Feelings earthed, in the tenderness of my caressing
in the softness of your touch, in the thrill of the height
and the deep of your skin, in the heavenly unloading.

Feeling earthed, in departing from a life that was so fine
the days now shortened, and finally it’s only becoming
as it has to be, resting in that piece of earth that’s mine.
© Rudi J.P. Lejaeghere



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