The Woman in Red: Chapter 27
27. The man with the gloves
By the indications from Katarina, Cecile had
brought her sister and Jean-Pierre to the place of the rendezvous. They had agreed
that Cecile would wait in the car as a lookout if any suspicious individuals or
even the police knew about their activities.
was very nervous. She had consulted her mobile many times, despite she hadn’t
received a signal. She didn’t know where to put her hands. She also had bitten
upon her fingernails in at the end she had nestled herself against Jean-Pierre
and was playing absent-mindedly with the fingers of his left hand.
had Beatrice chosen this place to meet? The night club - ‘Pretty Men and Women’
- was one of Beatrice’s properties herself. Katarina didn’t find it a good
choice because of the fact the police knew all this locations and could watch
the neighborhood. Nonetheless the risk, they hadn’t been able to hold her away
to proceed with the appointment.
Cecile, for all you have done. I owe you one, a great one.’ Katarina smiled warmly at her sister and got
it returned too.
mention it, you’re my sister; it’s the
least I can do. For my mother… that’s a
whole different matter,’ Cecile added
with a sneer on her face.
and Jean-Pierre went hand in hand to the entrance of the building where the night
club was established. Nothing pointed to any danger and still both of them were
looking around if they could be ambushed
any moment.
touched the door handle and didn’t find resistance. The door was open, they
obviously expected company. Through a dark corridor, they came to a bad lightened stairway that lead to a
cellar. According to Katarina the bar and the club were situated there. The
door that led to this space wasn’t locked either.
went first and peeped around the door. He didn’t see a thing. There was nobody
at the bar nor in the part that served as the night club.
she couldn’t come, and she’ll let us know
something,’ he suggested without believing it himself.
suddenly heard some stumbling behind the curtains of a little podium at the end
of the night club. Two men with the Baroness between them came from behind the
heavy curtains of the podium. The Baroness was gagged and looked dazzled, but
when she recognized Katarina, her eyes drew wide open, and there was fear in them. They pushed rather roughly in a chair, and the taller of the two pointed to
Jean-Pierre and Katarina and then at two other chairs. Obviously, these
gorillas couldn’t talk.
first Jean-Pierre wouldn’t obey, but when the smallest of them drew a weapon
they had to accept this unfriendly proposition.
is all this, who are you?’ Katarina’s voice sounded shrill and metallic in this
big space that was empty except for them. Katarina had noticed that her mother
had a bandage on her hand. That would explain the blood in the room of the
Courthouse. Obviously the wound wasn’t life-threatening since her mother could
walk into the room by herself.
the two bulls had opened their mouth, a distinguished
gentleman entered the same way as his accomplices. He was dressed in a
three-piece suit, and it attracted
Jean-Pierre’s attention he wore gloves. Probably he didn’t like to have dirty
hands and had appealed to the two gangsters who flanked the Baroness for the
suppose you’re Katarina since you have accepted the invitation, but I don’t
have the pleasure to know this man.’ His cold eyes looked at Jean-Pierre from
head to toes. He inspected him and obviously didn’t like it.
a good friend of mine who… has driven
me,’ Katarina answered, ‘he knows everything.’
man suddenly laughed very hard. ‘Everything… what’s
everything, my child? You don’t know what you’re speaking of. If you knew everything, you would say so. You… you don’t
know anything. And for your own well-being, let’s keep it that way.’ He
signaled to the closest helper, and he
removed the gag of the Baroness.
was retching while the man released her from the dirty gag they had put in her
mouth. ‘Katarina…!’ Her voice faltered
and tears flowed soundless along her face.
gentlemen made some rounds around the chair where the Baroness was sitting on,
without them losing out of sight. ‘The thing is, my dear Katarina. Your mother
thought she could make some extra money,
and she has crossed a certain border. Such a fact normally has to be punished.
But my employer is very broadminded and in certain conditions he can forget and
and Jean-Pierre listened with growing surprise at the monolog of this parvenu. They looked, full of incomprehension at
the Baroness, who, meanwhile, sat there
in silence with her head bent and dwindled in the chair. The woman was clearly
broken by fatigue and fear.
be not strange to you, in the circumstances that are called normal at the
Chateau, there are a lot of important gentlemen and women visiting. My employer
is someone you can count to this category of people. Unfortunately, I have to
confess he can be indiscreet when he has drunk a bit and enjoys the presence of
female beauty. Madame seems to have the habit to record some conversations and
used to trade them for pecuniary gain. I am the first to applaud
entrepreneurship and to stimulate it, but when it concerns my employer then
it’s a whole other matter. His connections with our organization can’t be
public knowledge. We have worked too long to have a piece of the pie if I may
use this playful comparison.’
man obviously loved to hear himself talking. He accompanied his argument with
wide gestures just like a famous lawyer who was arguing in favor of his client.
Once in a while he stood still and put his hand on the shoulder of the
Baroness. Every time she shrunk still more fearing him.
tapes…! Yes, we know there are three of
them, but we have a little problem. Madame the Baroness, unfortunately, don’t
want to say where they are. But now that her daughter is here, I presume she
can be persuaded, that for the common welfare, she better think again. In a few
steps, he stood next to Katarina and grabbed her by the neck.
jumped from his chair, but was pushed by one of the accomplices. He fell backward over it and stayed on the ground
because the man pointed his pistol at him,
and he was afraid to move and get a bullet through his head.
Madam, if you prefer,’ the leader spoke,’ you have exactly five seconds to tell
me where the tapes are otherwise…’ He
also had taken his pistol out of his holster and significant held it against
the side of Katarina’s face.
two… three… four…!’
© Rudi J.P. Lejaeghere
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