Bloodrage: Chapter 3
Elder Council nowadays existed of seven members. They stipulated the rules for the
Western Vampire Community as they called it. Dragosj was president of this
council. Besides, Diana and Julius, who shared the responsibility for Western
Europe, there were also responsible persons for The United States and Russia.
These five possessed the most influence in the council considering their
territory they controlled. They had the right to veto. That didn’t always make
it easy to come to a unanimous decision. Centuries ago this center of five had
been enlarged with two more members. Both the Baltic States together with
Scandinavia and The South European countries had a vote now in this council.
was almost as old as Dragosj but never had as much power and influence as the
chairman had. He was the American representative and called the most upon his
veto among the core members. Many times this created heated discussions of
which he mostly didn’t care. He stoically listened to the counterarguments to
persuade him and let them know afterwards he stood by his view. However, he
should be taken into account. As far as the amount of people he controlled, he
had the highest score. It would be unwise to stand in his way. Dragosj was the
only one he considered as his superior. His black Stetson – he never put off –
and his accent, those were the only things that referred to his country of
origin. It could also be that he was clever in hiding the typical
characteristics of his people. He loved to cast a veil of secrecy around him
and he wasn’t the one who could brighten up a whole room, contrary to the
etymology of his name.
had since centuries a woman as a member of the council. Anushka also didn’t
respond to the meaning of her given name. ‘Mercy’ was a word that wasn’t
registered in her vocabulary. She always had been a hardliner and supporter of
drastic measures against violations of the rules. The right to veto often was
used to change her mind. Anushka was a Slavic beauty. With pronounced
cheekbones and her mysterious, innocent eyes, she frequently wrong-footed
people around her. Either she wasn’t aware of her beauty or it was her
intention to come across that way. On the other hand, it was certain she would
have won the prize for ‘worst dressed vampire’. Some people said she was a
lesbian, but mostly this came from men who were rejected by her. The truth was
she ran with the hare and hunted with the hounds and her friends didn’t care at
Baltic States and Scandinavia had chosen a real Norseman. Rolf was two meters
ten tall, had the shoulders of a rugby player and muscles a bodybuilder would
be jealous of. He had blond hair yellow as corn and his eyes were blue as the
sky. He also smiled a lot. Obviously he was a happy vampire. His women
followers could be the explanation for that, however, most of any normal man
wouldn’t cope with this bunch of groupies. Rolf stayed undisturbed under it and
never raised his voice. However, when he banged with his hand on the table to
show his disapproval, even Dragosj was on his guard for this giant of the
Fiametta was from Italy, nobody would be surprised. She always blew into the
room as a storm and could almost bring the dead back to live. But she was a deadly
force to the living who stands in her way. Fiametta was well known for her
first years as a vampire when she had caused many bloodbaths between human populations
before she could master her thirst. She had made her mark on the vampire
community in Southern Europe. Not everyone could match up to her speed, but
every vampire of her region knew she would put her life on the line if someone
amongst them would be in danger.
and Diana divided their responsibility for Western Europe. By the fact they had
a lot to do with each other, they eventually had fallen in love. They kept
their work and love affair apart, after all they were both down-to-earth
people. Julius used to be called Jules when he was still a mortal and was of
French origin and nonetheless he came from the country that thought they had
invented ‘l’amour’, he wasn’t really a romanticist.
also had another name in her life before being a vampire. Due to her admiration
of Roman mythology she had chosen the name Diana above her German birth name
Brigitta. Despite many knew she named Brigitta before, nobody would call her by
this name. Not only because it was the habit to be baptized in the blood with a
new name, but also because Diana was rather short-tempered and would certainly
punish them with a bloody death.
had received the message from Markus and was ready to join the meeting.
Considering the fact they were a modern vampire community, these meetings
happened by means of a secure satellite connection. Dragosj was seated in the
chair of the president and at his left side Diana had taken place, on his other
side Julius who had trouble to conceal his disgust. Diana frowned when she saw him,
pressing his lips together when Dragosj wanted to shake his hand, he eventually
but with reluctance did.
descended from a very old European old and noble family. Some asserted that he
descended from Vlad Tepes, the name Bram Stoker borrowed to create his novel
character Count Dracula. Others claimed he was Vlad Tepes himself. Julius
suspected Dragosj to have spread this rumor to grant his function still more
name and fame than it already had. It was a fact he was originating from a
region in Transylvania, a country that centuries ago belonged to Hungary, but
nowadays it was a part of Romania. That he owned a castle there gave the rumor
still more truth value. Everybody agreed that in his human life he was of
screens were switched on by Markus, who had taken care of the satellite
connection. After that he withdrew honoring the secrecy of the meeting. All
members were ‘online’ and the flat screens showed four nervous members. The
news about the death of Milosj and his bodyguards had reached them and
everybody knew the trust between the different regions would come under very
great strain. It was no secret the relations between the seven nightwalkers sometimes
were much tensed. Dragosj always had been the catalyst between them. The
murders had put this fragile unity will be up in the air.
declare this meeting open,’ Dragosj started the assembly. ‘For the digital
record of proceedings I establish every member of the Elder Council is present.
The first and only subject of this meeting is the… the bloody slaughtering of
Milosj and his two bodyguards. The goal is to search a solution how we can find
the perpetrator and catch him alive to bring him before this council.’
‘Per favore? Please? Do I hear correctly,
alive? When I find this guy first, I will bring you his head to question!’
Fiametta’s voice sounded as if she was physically present in the meeting room. She
sounded furious and had to ventilate her angriness. ‘Do we let this happen that
one of our best people is torn into pieces as a prey? Certainly not, I would
say and if someone doesn’t agree, do say it!’
ticked with his long manicured fingernails on the lacquer of the black meeting table-desk. ‘Fiametta, Fiametta… I do not
agree. It’s very sad and I myself feel personally attacked by this murder. As
you all know, Milosj was one of the candidates for the succession of President
of the Council. He was also the only candidate from outside our ranks chosen by
our people. That, we must not forget and we must honor that. So, before we
ventilate another… opinion – Dragosj always chose his words carefully – we have
to stay calm and look at things as sober as can be. It’s the only way to come
quickly to a decision and a solution. Orlando, I notice you have asked to speak.
I give the floor to you.
bit her lips. She had spoken without permission and Dragosj made it understand
good and proper. She had to watch her temper and react less impulsive. Honor
was one of the virtues Dragosj esteemed very highly.
cleared his throat before he took the word. ‘The first and most important
question we have to ask ourselves is: How a man as Milosj, who is one of the
strongest representatives of our race and not to forget two of the best
security people we have, succumbed to… well yes to whoever has murdered them? I
think when we can answer this question, we’ll already be in the right direction
to find the perpetrator or perpetrators.’
my dear Orlando. Your insight shows of objectivity and intelligence. I do
appreciate.’ Dragosj frowned while he put both of his long hands across each
other. ‘That’s why, dear Fiametta, I want if we find his trail, get him alive
before the council. If there is more than one murderer, I don’t want to risk
the rest of that group joyfully continues murdering. Yes, Anushka, what was it
you wanted to say?’
‘Privyet, hello! Why do we think the
murderer specifically has something against our people? It could be a
coincidence he has picked Milosj. Maybe Milosj, in one or another way provoked
this. We know he was the most stubborn between the hard-headed. If the
perpetrator something needed from him and he didn’t get it? Has something
disappeared out of his house on the Quay?’
consulted a paper lying in front of him. ‘It’s difficult to say because we
don’t possess an inventory of his belongings. As far as his best friend could
know this, nothing has been missed. But… yes, Rolf?’
big Norwegian had asked to speak by raising his giant hand. The hand of
Fiametta, who was the smallest of the group, went three times in it. ‘Has the
culprit been wounded himself? Maybe it wouldn’t be a big thing, but if we have
that, we could ask our human connections.’
heavy sigh escaped Dragosj. ‘Alas, no, it also crossed my mind and I’ve just
received the result of the blood samples before this meeting began. No strange
blood. Someone else has still an idea?’
suddenly saw there was some commotion on the screen of the representative of
South Europe. Fiametta was distracted by someone who obviously besides the
screen asked for her attention. They heard some fast Italian talking and waited
for an explanation from the council member. Normally nobody could disturb a
member during a meeting. Nobody would trespass this rule. This had to be very
‘Presidente, president of the council, I
just got the message from my adjunct that in Firenze a similar incident has
occurred. A little community of about twenty of our people has been murdered
during a celebration of someone’s second century day. The description of the
murder scene I’ve just received is identical to the murder on Milosj and his
who had not used his voice yet, jumped up. ‘This can’t be true. They really are
persecuting and killing our people. This can’t be a coincidence.’
also stood up and tried to calm him, however, she didn’t really succeeded in
it. In a loud and highly-strung voice, Julius spoke to everybody. ‘We have to
warn everybody. If we are vigilant, we stand a better chance to catch this
monster. There’s no time to lose.’ He looked at Dragosj, knowing he had not
confined himself to his competencies. He wouldn’t take a step back and he would
certainly not apologize.’
Julius, you’re right. Orlando, Anushka, Rolf and Fiametta, warn everybody you
can reach and that they tell it to their acquaintances too. I, Julius and Diana
will take care of our region. I know we don’t have alert phases, but this
should be the highest. There should also be taken measures to secure the
sleeping places during the day. We must think of everything. Markus will let
you know when I want to hear from you all. I declare this meeting adjourned.’
screens one by one became black and everybody hurried to carry out their
imposed task. There was no panic yet, but it was close. Somebody was hunting
vampires and they had no trace of him. That was obvious!
© Rudi J.P. Lejaeghere 01/01/2015
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